
Katherine Tyler Scott is a Fellow of the International Leadership Association, and closer to home, a board member of Women4Change Indiana. She chairs a committee of that latter organization on which I serve, and recently she shared with me an essay she’d written for a publication of the former.

It deserves wider distribution.

The essay focused on a lessons we should take from the  war in Ukraine–especially the power of voice.

To those of us who share Katherine’s belief that we must oppose injustice and oppression “in any form, against anyone, anywhere”. she has a message: she argues that silence in such instances is unacceptable.

Many people around the world filled the streets and exercised their voices in protest of the public murder of George Floyd. It was impossible to turn away and not see what was in plain sight, to deny how the long history of dehumanization had contributed to the knee of oppression. We are called now to do the same on behalf of humanity. In America, the value of freedom is etched on a plaque on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, cited in the Declaration of Independence, codified in the United States Constitution, and sustained by civic engagement. Our diversity does not discount the universal desire for freedom. This basic right to which every human being is entitled is always at risk of attack. Events, unforeseen or planned, can create major disruption and insecurity alongside crippling levels of anxiety and fear — states of emotionality in which people are willing to trade their freedom for the quick fix.

Katherine attributes the rise of autocracies around the globe to the pervasive, chronic anxiety that seems to accompany social change–a state that makes systems of any kind vulnerable, unable to cope productively with that change.

But then she notes Ukraine’s fierce resistance to Russia in defense of freedom.

The Ukrainian President and the country’s citizens have been subject to these same dynamics and forces of change yet have become an inspiring counter to a loss of the ability to cope. Why?

In large part, it is because of collective aspirations, shared core beliefs, a strong identity as a people, and an understanding of the desire to become a country where people can be free. These are powerful determinants of response, but all become more powerful when they are given voice. President Volodymyr Zelensky is that voice for his country and for millions around the world. In using it, he has galvanized people across the globe to remember what matters and what is required when civilization is under threat. A major mitigating factor to society’s chronic anxiety is the self-differentiated leader, and we are seeing it in Zelensky. He reminds us of the power of voice — one and many. We are seeing why words matter. His voice, his words, have encapsulated the universal yearning of humanity: to live, to live free, and in doing so, to have the opportunity to live a life of meaning — a life that matters and makes a difference.

This emphasis on voice really resonated with me, because voice is the one weapon possessed by ordinary Americans. Those of us without piles of money or offices of influence often despair of making a difference; I know that I look at aspects of our collective life that I  consider dangerous or forbidding and feel helpless to oppose or change them.

I lack the power to keep Indiana’s legislators from distorting the operation of democratic accountability by choosing their voters. I  cannot “reprogram” a racist MAGA movement, or keep the planet from warming, or “fix” other multiple threats to democracy, civility and the rule of law. Neither can most of the other Americans who wring their hands over these and other ominous and worrisome aspects of our collective life.

But we do have our voices, and Katherine reminds us that those voices matter—that raising them will make a difference.

The recent protests in Iran and China moved even those autocratic governments–Iran has reportedly abolished its Morality Police (although there are conflicting reports of that), and China has relaxed its draconian COVID policies. Small steps, admittedly, but evidence of the truth of Katherine’s observation.

At the very least, we need to remember that citizens’ voices–through letters and emails to legislators and other public officials, through demonstrations, through civic organizations, through lawsuits–can attest to our lack of acquiescence with an unacceptable status quo. Our voices can also encourage our fellow-citizens to raise theirs.

As Zelensky has demonstrated, words matter.


  1. A great thread today!

    It seems Katherine is a genius! She expresses hope, and a deeply held faith that somehow we should learn a lesson from the Ukraine? The Ukraine has been devastated through continuous wars and genocide for many hundreds of years. So, what should we learn from that?

    The apostle Paul said “faith hope and love, and the greatest of these is love!” 1st Corinthians 13:13.

    Jesus Christ said to “love your neighbor as yourself” Matthew 22:37-39

    Loving your neighbor was a second commandment, but the greatest commandment was to love God! And both of those commandments were the summation of the entire Law.

    But that requires faith doesn’t it? And this time of year there is definitely a lack of faith. Even amongst those who love to celebrate Christmas, the whole hypocritical world loves a party. Doesn’t matter if you believe in Christ or not, so, where’s the faith? Where is the hope? Where’s the love? How many atheists have their Christmas trees up? How many tell you Merry Christmas? How many give gifts? How many are hypocrites?

    Ms Scott had an epiphany writing her ditty. And that’s a good thing to have, an epiphany!

    Which country actually follow the parameters that Ms Scott would like to see? Can’t think of one. Would it have been ancient Greece? What about Babylon? What about Egypt? What about Rome? What about the Persians? What about France? What about the British? What about Germany? What about the USA? Not one single example of affair and equal society.

    Why is that? Because humanity does not possess the ability to bring about fairness to civilization. If humanity could do it, it would have been done a long time ago. But, you all profess to have that hope and faith in humanity’s ability! It’s kind of like continuously running the Titanic into the iceberg and having faith that the 331st time it won’t sink!

    Ever drive through the Mojave desert? A long road as straight as an arrow. Small changes in grade make you see water or trees, until you get closer and it all disappears into endless sand.

    My father’s people would say The glass is half full, my mother’s people would say the glass is completely empty, very pessimistic. Pessimistic because through many generations, to the beginning of this country, there’s been nothing but misery for the Native Americans and the African Americans. No fairness, no equality, not even considered human. All of these good folks are supposed to fix it? What happened to all those good folks in the past? Maybe all those good folks aren’t really all that good!

    Mankind has corrupted religion, so maybe we would be better off without religion? Well, what have the communists taught us? The boxer revolution, the Bolshevik revolution, millions upon millions slaughtered! So, the hypocrisy of mankind will never allow free and equal society. They’re always has to be a top, and they’re always has to be a bottom. It will be that way until humanity’s last breath.

  2. A great thread today!

    It seems Katherine is a genius! She expresses hope, and a deeply held faith that somehow we should learn a lesson from the Ukraine? The Ukraine has been devastated through continuous wars and genocide for many hundreds of years. So, what should we learn from that?

    The apostle Paul said “faith hope and love, and the greatest of these is love!” 1st Corinthians 13:13.

    Jesus Christ said to “love your neighbor as yourself” Matthew 22:37-39

    Loving your neighbor was a second commandment, but the greatest commandment was to love God! And both of those commandments were the summation of the entire Law.

    But that requires faith doesn’t it? And this time of year there is definitely a lack of faith. Even amongst those who love to celebrate Christmas, the whole hypocritical world loves a party. Doesn’t matter if you believe in Christ or not, so, where’s the faith? Where is the hope? Where’s the love? How many atheists have their Christmas trees up? How many tell you Merry Christmas? How many give gifts? How many are hypocrites?

    Ms Scott had an epiphany writing her ditty. And that’s a good thing to have, an epiphany!

    Which country actually follow the parameters that Ms Scott would like to see? Can’t think of one. Would it have been ancient Greece? What about Babylon? What about Egypt? What about Rome? What about the Persians? What about France? What about the British? What about Germany? What about the USA? Not one single example of a
    fair and equal society.

    Why is that? Because humanity does not possess the ability to bring about fairness to civilization. If humanity could do it, it would have been done a long time ago. But, you all profess to have that hope and faith in humanity’s ability! It’s kind of like continuously running the Titanic into the iceberg and having faith that the 331st time it won’t sink!

    Ever drive through the Mojave desert? A long road as straight as an arrow. Small changes in grade make you see water or trees, until you get closer and it all disappears into endless sand.

    My father’s people would say The glass is half full, my mother’s people would say the glass is completely empty, very pessimistic. Pessimistic because through many generations, to the beginning of this country, there’s been nothing but misery for the Native Americans and the African Americans. No fairness, no equality, not even considered human. All of these good folks are supposed to fix it? What happened to all those good folks in the past? Maybe all those good folks aren’t really all that good!

    Mankind has corrupted religion, so maybe we would be better off without religion? Well, what have the communists taught us? The boxer revolution, the Bolshevik revolution, millions upon millions slaughtered! So, the hypocrisy of mankind will never allow free and equal society. There always has to be a top, and there always has to be a bottom. It will be that way until humanity’s last breath.

  3. “Collective aspirations, shared core beliefs” – if only now, once upon a time. There is ample evidence that that letters and emails to legislators are mostly ignored, except by the ones who are already listening as part of their job as servant leaders.

    Murder of George Floyd results….hmmm no voting rights bill, no policing reform for the most part.

    The single most powerful voice is a vote – it unleashes real leaders who engage real leaders and jurists to do good work. Unfortunately, the trend is clear, only those pretty well off vote and for the coming generations voting is “meh”. IGIO

  4. It’s well past time to do research about the 3/4 of eligible voters who opt out in Indiana. What will it take to get them to the polls?

    I spend a lot of time talking to people and my impression is that most of us want the same things. Our major differences are in our understanding of how to get it. There’s a ton of information that is unfortunately created in and for our bubbles. It’s time to burst those bubbles.

  5. “We must oppose injustice and oppression “in any form, against anyone, anywhere”. ”


    Because if somebody is oppressed, it’s only the tip of the iceberg that threatens all of us. Zelenski knows the price of the west ignoring oppression in Russia for so long. We hear on the news about the potential for similar trouble with the PRC at the center. No, our world will not be safe for freedom until the whole world is and even our little corner is not safe from our little corner yet.

  6. Peggy, re your suggestion that it is well past time to research Indiana’s low voter turnout. Our low voter turn out is due to gerrymandering. Political offices are filled in the Primaries and very often those candidates are uncontested. Voters feel there is no reason to waste their time voting. There may very well be more Democrats than republicans in this state, but the republicans have safely locked in their majority via gerrymandering.

  7. Today’s post really resonates with me. My career was teaching and I witnessed the power of words, for good and ill, every day. The voice you use can raise or dash hopes, clarify or confuse thoughts, force conflict or seek consensus and encourage bravery or incite fear.
    I have witnessed great progress in civil rights for people of color and LGBTQ+ people during my lifetime. These improvements have happened because voices have been raised in their support.
    I would encourage everyone to think carefully about what kind of world you want to live in and ask yourself if your voice is supporting or undermining that vision.

  8. Exactly like Sharon wrote above. She responded using words that resonated with me about this post.

    I just heard from my college graduate niece who lives in northern IN that she got covid and never got vaccinated. I asked why and she offered right wing talking points. If you can’t pierce their bubble, our democracy will die. We can’t let that happen. She also doesn’t vote. Sigh

  9. Letters and emails to our elected officials may or may not get them to change their minds, but they have to take notice when hundreds of constituents send the same emails. If you are concerned about climate change, Climate Action Now has a free app for your phone that includes daily emails you can send to your state and federal representatives…already written…just press “send.”

  10. “they have to take notice when hundreds of constituents send the same emails” – you betcha – here come the “spray and pray” stuff from the non-profits again….a “personal” voice? Give me a break.

  11. Yes, happy talk!

    It’s Willful delusion…Does happy talk replace current reality? Remember defund the police? Guess why the police are not out patrolling much anymore? Yes words do matter, but, they don’t change things for the better, only action does that.

    Folks don’t know what to believe anymore, it’s evident from the many millennia humanity has been ruling itself, that humanity only has subjugation in mind. The strongest conquering the weakest, enslaving or exterminating those that they consider inferior.

    It’s going to take a lot more than happy talk, it’s going to take compassion and empathy, love and respect, Not just superior action but supreme manifestation of integrity. And the last I checked, integrity was so far down on the list it’s not even in the rearview mirror.

    The same old thing cannot be done over and over again and everyone hopes for a different outcome. That will never happen! So, there needs to be a different tac.

    There will never be an infusion of integrity into this society because those teaching the children have no integrity, many in the schools don’t have integrity, the parents have no integrity, The government has no integrity, so how is the child supposed to gain integrity?

    Truthfully answer that question, the answer should be obvious.

  12. John, words ARE action. And your words are exactly the kind that dash hopes, confuse thoughts, force conflict and incite fear. My mother used to say, “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”.
    You have a right to say what you want but you are not saying anything helpful. I hope others reject your unfailing negativity.

  13. Easy answers, like Gerrymandering, might be right. What I’m calling for is serious academic research. I lived and breathed medical research for 20 years, so I know it’s no piece of cake to do it. It may take several rounds of questions before the basics of the research can even begin, but if you want to fix it, fix it right, fix what’s broken, but know what’s really broken before you start.

  14. Lol, words are action? Yes, Martin Luther King used words, but he also marched and put himself at risk, he played the ultimate price! Jesus Christ used words, but his actions are what cost him his life! Abraham Lincoln used his words, but his actions caused him to lose his life!

    James said “show me your faith without works, and I will show you my faith by my works!”

    You ever hear the phrase talk is cheap? And talk is also lazy! Because people would rather talk, and in that talk usually there’s a lot of lies and deceit, instead of accomplishing works!

    Words do not denote action, words can be slanderous, words can tear down, and I suppose some words can inspire! But those words have to be accompanied by action/works. How many times have you seen words build a house for someone? How many times have you seen words feed the hungry? How many times have you seen words pay the bills?

    James also said, “if you see your brother or sister in a naked state, what good is it if you tell them to keep warm and well fed without offering them the necessities!” As Lester mentioned, no compassion and we can also throw in no empathy.

    No works no compassion No works no empathy!!!

    Have you ever heard the other phrase, “you talk a good game?” More words no action…

  15. Lol,

    My faith is always accompanied by works! My words are always accompanied by action! I don’t reminisce about the good old days, because there were no good old days!

    Every single day I help others in any way I can. And I’ve received many blessings from that mindset! Have you heard, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing? That’s basically talking about not bragging on your works! Just do what you know is the right thing. You don’t have to talk about it.

    You claimed to be a teacher, so, when I spoke about Martin Luther King, Jesus Christ, Abraham Lincoln, talked about their words! They inspired, inspired the men that spoke them. It inspired them to act! They had a functional conscience, it told them what the law was and how to use it! The moral law, how do you treat your neighbor? We are supposed to treat our neighbors as ourselves! It cost Christ, King, and Lincoln their lives because they followed their conscience.

    You see, I don’t tend to be hypocritical. I’m sure I have done so on occasion, after all, there is no perfection in this world. But, my words are always accompanied by action or by works. Since we are not face to face, I can explain these things.

    So remember, words cannot replace properly trained conscience or words cannot replace faith or words cannot replace works!

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