Happy Thanksgiving From New Zealand

No pontificating today–just a hearty “thank you” to everyone who reads this blog, and especially to those who comment here, send me articles, and/or otherwise provide valuable feedback. I appreciate you all–and I’m thankful for you!

From New Zealand this year, a heartfelt Happy Thanksgiving!

See you tomorrow.


  1. We can be living in Thanksgiving
    and be thankful
    and this will keep our plates full
    of gladness for us to share
    with those at our table
    and our sisters
    and brothers,
    and all the, not others,
    but fellow celebrants
    of this joyous ride.
    Then, tomorrow,
    we can do it again,
    and, the next day,
    do it again, again.
    You’ve probably
    figured out where this is headed.
    So, let’s begin.
    Now, we can be at peace,
    knowing were heading
    in the right direction
    and enjoy our pie and coffee.

    David Barnard

  2. I’m not one to quote anyone’s scriptures, but what I am reminded of today is that we are given so much.

    Sheila wishes us a Happy Thanksgiving. It reminds me of how small and connected the world is today.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone, both you red ones and you blue ones!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving. Hers a great article from Vox.

    Im grateful that Christians and Jews get along so well in regards to yesterdays article. A theologian stated if you want to know more about your Christian faith, know what all the Jewish ceremonies mean by visiting their homes and synagogues. I’m also grateful. for the historic discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls showing we have a copy of Isaiah. Isaiah 1-5 is compelling to messianic Jews as well as Isaiah 53. I John 1:9 shows Gods grace.
    Enjoy time with your loved by loving them and arguing with them. Maybe that Vox article will help.

  4. Happy T-Day to all, including those with whom I may philosophically and politically disagree in the management of our great experiment in democracy.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope everyone is able to enjoy good company, have a good meal, and find some peace.

  6. While my family and I enjoy a wonderful feast today in a completely safe home I will also be thinking of those in Ukraine, Israel and Palestine who have lost family members and homes in horrible wars.

  7. What Lester Levin quoted. plus – Stay warm and be kind to each other.

    From Robert Reich today: “Build a longer table, not a higher wall.”

  8. No meal or holiday here in Europe. This is my last Thanksgiving here and I look forward to cooking and eating all my favorites in 2024.

    Safe travels Sheila and family.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all! Sheila, my husband Ian was a high school exchange student in New Zealand and travelled back there a few years ago. Looking forward to travelling there with him someday soon. Happy trails and you ARE coming back to the U.S., right? Although it’s tempting (for me at least) to take root somewhere else right now, and what better place than NZ? P.S.: hope they are not hostile to you for the Bird of The Century coup that John Oliver spearheaded. : )

  10. Finally. I mean finally. The Detroit Lions will field a team on this holiday good enough not to have an emetic effect on fans. Everyone be safe & have a Happy one.

  11. Peace and comfort to all on this one day of the year when we think about the many privileges, rights and gifts we enjoy all year round. Enjoy the day with good company and good food.

    Thanks to all those public servants and medical personnel who continue to work for us even on Holidays.

  12. “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” ~ Meister Eckhart

    Happy Thanksgiving to all on this blog! 🙂

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