A Message From GIMA

The Greater Indianapolis Multifaith Alliance–abbreviated to GIMA–is a local organization of   faith leaders from a wide variety of religious traditions. Those leaders have come together to collaborate on civic projects that serve the common good of greater Indianapolis–unlike the Christian Nationalists and other theocrats I so often criticize on this site, they are intent on making our city and state a fairer and more equitable place.

The organization is currently focusing on the city’s lack of affordable housing and the crisis in evictions, and it has produced a short video that focuses on–surprise!–the failure of the Indiana legislature to enact enforceable minimal protections for tenants whose landlords fail to provide even minimally-habitable properties, or refuse to make critically-needed repairs.(In all fairness, those abusive landlords represent a relatively small percentage of all landlords in the city, and are disproportionately out-of-state investors. But they cause a lot of misery.)

GIMA focused its efforts on this issue because of what it describes as the “current landscape” of the problem.  Its website offers data that confirms the severity and extent of the barriers facing tenants who lack financial and legal means to hold those landlords accountable.

Housing instability, particularly evictions, is receiving its due attention in this critical moment because it’s nearing a full-blown crisis. According to Eviction Lab, Indianapolis is second only to New York in total evictions and Indiana is number one in statewide eviction filings since 2020. We recognize that there are several excellent non-profit organizations that provide direct services, as well as coalitions that amplify the voices and needs of those grappling with the impact of evictions and homelessness through advocacy. We also know that many congregations periodically collect food and clothing – and even temporarily house the homeless.

Those efforts are meaningful, but woefully inadequate to the scope of the problem.

Rather than offering my “take” on the issue, I encourage you to click through and watch the very short (just over 6 minutes) video.

And if you live in Indiana, call your State Senator and/or Representative and ask them to support SB 277–Senator Walker’s tenant repair fund bill.


  1. This is a good one Shiela. Since tech companies have moved in we saw buyers sweep up low priced markets and double their money and increase rent.

  2. Affordable housing is nearing crisis level everywhere in the US. Attempts to address the issue seem half hearted at best. Down here in sunny southwest Florida, we’re giving tax breaks to developers who build some low rent units in their apartment complexes. The problem is that we don’t need more luxury apartments and the ratios don’t even begin to address the need.

    We are, however moving in the direction of Indiana in the protections provided to tenants. The State Legislature has stripped local governments of the right to enforce local laws governing tenants rights.

    As Indiana strives to become more like Mississippi, Florida strives to become more like Indiana, but with beaches.

  3. Politicians promise power to the people. What politicians want, though, is a career in politics to sell favors to wealthy people. Wealthy people want favors to get wealthier.

    We got what that game results in. Extreme wealth redistribution up.

    Morality’s one rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, knows that is wrong.

    Moral people are mad at themselves for letting that happen and will correct their mistakes.

  4. Pete, I hope that you are right, but will not hold my breath.
    Even as wooded areas get torn down for developments, here in central western Florididia, there is a large encampment of the homeless in just such an area, not far from the center of my town.

  5. The shameless greedy out of state mostly east coast private equity firms are a metastasized cancer on our country’s economy and the members of our state legislature that have consistently voted against even the most basic protections for tenants should be ashamed of themselves.

    Too bad we can’t force those legislators to live in one of the private equity hell-hole rentals for just one week.

  6. Mitch, I have served breakfast to many homeless. Only a very few chose that lifestyle.

    We used to call that group hobos.

    There are many causes like drugs, alcohol and just broken people but everyone in a wealthy country deserves a minimum standard of protection from the elements.

    I have chosen the homeless lifestyle from time to time backpacking and camping.

    We have become spoiled by comfort and now hold our comfort over others. To some people that feels good.

    What makes me feel good is people living their potential whatever that is. I don’t have to live at anyone’s expense.

  7. Sheila, thank you for passing this on. I am affiliated with an organization that has been working for years to get some sort of a tenant’s rights bill passed in the Statehouse – people would be appalled if they knew how few rights Indiana tenants. Unfortunately, things don’t seem to change- session after session bills that will give Hoosier tenants a modicum of protections don’t get moved out of committee or are not even heard in committee.

  8. I live on the northside and don’t understand the excess of luxury apartments being built that don’t seem affordable to the middle class. Especially without any big employers nearby to employ. However, there is a women’s domestic shelter supposedly being made finally for Hamilton County.

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