How Red is Indiana?

Wow…Just wow.

At the party’s convention on Saturday, Hoosier Republicans rebuffed their gubernatorial candidate’s choice of a lieutenant governor candidate in favor of an out-and-out, well-known Christian Nationalist–despite the fact that Braun, the gubernatorial candidate, had prevailed upon Trump to endorse his less-known-to-be looney choice.

The victory of Micah Beckwith exposed both the current rifts in the party and the degree to which the party faithful have succumbed to extremist culture war and Rightwing grievance.

The GOP’s choice led to yet another “schism”–this time, in my family. While all of us find Pastor Beckwith horrifying, we’re split on whether his selection really reflects the beliefs and bigotries of Indiana citizens. My youngest son thinks this extreme culture warrior is “in sync” with Hoosier voters; I believe his addition to an already terrifyingly extreme GOP ticket will hurt Republicans in November. (My son says he desperately wants to lose our bet on this issue, but he long ago lost faith in Indiana’s electorate.)

What do we know of Pastor Beckwith’s ideology?

We can begin with his statement that his choice by the delegates was “divinely inspired.” Presumably, he is confident that he is God’s choice…Indeed, Beckwith has been a constant voice for his rather unique views of “godliness.” He relishes the fight against “wokeness” and “woke indoctrination”–by which he means genuine education, efforts at inclusion or support for a social safety net–not to mention hysterical opposition to reproductive choice, women’s rights and–of course– church-state separation.

He also opposes freedom to read. Beckwith’s previous public service was as a member of the Hamilton East library board, where his efforts to censor hundreds of books generated a huge blowback from local citizens and triggered an eventual return to previous library policies.

I’m unsure how any of these extreme culture war preoccupations equip him for a position tasked with increasing tourism (!) and supporting agriculture…

Beckwith may be the most extreme example of the state GOP’s lurch to a very unAmerican far right, but he really does fit well with the rest of a state ticket on which Braun is arguably the least scary, which is really saying something. (He at least gives occasional nods toward sanity.) I have posted numerous times about Jim Banks--aka “Focus on the Family’s Man in Washington”–whose culture war positions include support for a national ban on abortion with zero exceptions, unremitting attacks on education, support for permitless carry (because that’s so “pro-life”…) and vicious assaults on trans children, among others.

I’ve posted even more frequently about Todd Rokita, the current occupant of the Attorney General’s office. Rokita has taken every possible opportunity to pander to the far Right of the Republican Party, most (in)famously in his vendetta against the doctor who performed an abortion on a ten-year-old rape victim, charging her with improprieties he knew to be false. He has subordinated his duties as AG to participation in national litigation brought by Rightwing AGs from other Red states, been chastised by the state’s Supreme Court (members of which were selected by Republican governors), and routinely acted in ways to embarrass not just Indiana, but the entire legal profession.

This slate of candidates makes outgoing conservative Republican Governor Holcomb look leftwing by comparison.

So–here we are. As I have previously noted, in November, Indiana voters will choose between a statewide slate of three talented and accomplished women whose credentials are appropriate for the jobs they seek, and whose positions on the issues are mainstream and sensible, and a collection of out-and-proud MAGA misogynists and theocrats. This won’t be an election in which differences are minor. Unlike so many elections in Indiana, it also won’t be an election affected by gerrymandering–even Hoosier Republicans can’t gerrymander a statewide race.

If you agree that most Indiana citizens reject the Neanderthal positions of these misogynist theocrats, you should send McCormick, McCrae and the eventual Democratic AG candidate a few dollars each–giving them the wherewithal to inform Indiana’s voters that Braun, Beckwith, Banks and Rokita are nothing like Indiana’s traditional Republicans.

As my students might have put it– these are scary dudes, and Indiana’s voting public needs to understand just how scary they are.

These four men all reject America’s constitutional values, and I  refuse to believe they reflect the values of Hoosier voters. Despite my son’s contrary views, I am convinced that these “Christian warriors” will only win if the Democrats lack the resources to expose them for what they are: the Christian Taliban.


  1. Now if only the Democrats would emerge from hiding and start campaigning perhaps they could win. But you cannot beat something with nothing. I suspect we will get the crazy god squad since they are largely running unopposed.

  2. They are R, and as importantly to way too many, they are male. They will also be our next ‘leaders’ in this lost state.

  3. “…I am convinced that these “Christian warriors” will only win if the Democrats lack the resources to expose them for what they are: the Christian Taliban.”

    Sheila’s statement goes far beyond the borders of this red state of Indiana; which incidentally has a Democrat at its heart, the Mayor of the capital city of Indianapolis. I view those “resources” as the strength of character to fight for democracy for all Americans as well as Indiana residents. The progress that Mayor Hogsett has made using President Biden’s Infrastructure Bill are obvious in the streets, roads, bridges, neighborhood improvements, etc., where repair and replacement are happening throughout Marion County…which IS Indianapolis. Due to Republican neglect for decades; this is a major undertaking which will take more than a 4-year term in office to repair this state’s failings under Republican leadership.

    A simple but dangerous and costly bit of evidence for me are the dozens of pot holes on East 16th Street which were filled and refilled 2-3 times each spring, then just left to wait till the next year’s budget paid to begin refilling again. Using the benefits of Democratic President Biden’s funding from his Infrastructure Bill, our Democratic Mayor Hogsett has strip-patched many blocks of pot holes in this east side area, a major safety issue. A seemingly small problem but at the heart of the years of Republican neglect or misuse of infrastructure funds; it is a safety issue, at times a matter of life-and-death and expense to those who experienced vehicle damage due to conditions. These small problems have grown to become major problems because human lives are not an issue for Republicans at state level. Red power, control and profits keep this state red; can the Indiana Democratic party look to the heart of this state and let the obvious progress be a guiding factor in uniting to turn us blue?

    November 5, 2024 General Election will not only answer that question regarding Indiana but will decide the future of this nation within all of our borders and globally as other nations look to us for guidance, damaged as it is by the MAGA, White Nationalist, Freedom Caucus party, once known as the GOP.

    Indiana is part of the major problem of decline in democracy; only unity within the Democratic party can become part of the solution to end Dictatorship before it begins.

  4. Yes and no JoAnn. Some of the streets I travel are using partial paving repair methods that create a wash boarding effect. Hard on vehicles.

  5. Other points about Beckwith: 1) In a video on Facebook (I think it was autumn, 2019; I don’t have the date in front of me) he said only (his kind of) Christians are capable of being moral; 2) He was overjoyed in 2023 to welcome Sean Feucht (very far right wing zealot) who believes our gov’t should functionas a Christian gov’t that operates for the benefit of Christian; 3) on a podcast he called me an “idiot” (what I took to heart as a compliment). His little buddies have lodged complaints about my posts being “misleading.” Beckwith is a Christofascist.

  6. In political terms, it is called a “bloodless coup”. They want to own your minds, not just your votes.

  7. Political pundits have written that IN state convention delegates are typically further to the right than the general election gop voters. Beckwith won the LG race by 63 votes for a total of 891 votes vs 828 of 1719 votes or 3.7% of all delegates. Does this mean that 891 delegates are unhappy that Braun won the state gop primary race for Governor? There were 6 gop candidates running for Governor in the Primary and Braun won with 39.5%?

    Commenters on this blog have frequently stated that we all must contribute financially to the Dem candidates for state offices, but in reality it is an extreme uphill climb to match the out-of-state money the gop has a history of sending to IN gop candidates. IN gop candidates for state and national offices can tap into a variety of dark money sources to win their elections.

    Unlike the IN gop candidates, our Democrat candidates for both State and Federal offices seem to be completely on their own financially, with very little or no help from the State and National Democrat parties.

  8. Back in reality, Indiana’s lurch to the right so they can keep up with the rural Christofascists isn’t working for the state as a whole. I’ve seen the comment below for decades in Indiana newspapers. The Chamber has been whining about it consistently:

    “We hear it from employers and see it in virtually every education and workforce statistic. It’s that Indiana has a massively leaking talent pipeline.”

    I even laughed over a decade ago when the Statehouse let Lilly’s Foundation fund a study on the Hoosier brain drain. Young folks graduate college and high school and then leave this backward state. Learning that Lilly is part of the problem doesn’t take too much research. They’ve paid for much of the backwardness yet grumble about not having an educated workforce.

    I couldn’t wait to leave this backward ass state in the 80s. Indiana has only gotten worse. If the right wing could move this state forward so they could keep young Hoosiers in this state, I wouldn’t care about who they elect. However, you get garbage results if you keep electing garbage to the Statehouse. It’s Einstein’s definition of insanity, and Indiana has mastered the lunacy as it continues moving to the right and failing its citizens and donors. But hey, the donors get to pay less taxes and can pollute freely.

  9. If anyone is interested in learning a bit more about Micah Beckwith, there is a recent article about him in the Indiana Capital Chronicle. This news source is available free online.

    Beckwith likes to claim that God speaks to him about politics. I can’t even imagine being in that man’s presence without laughing or gagging at his bizarre claims.

  10. It sounds like Indiana is racing against both Alabama and Mississippi. Who can get to the bottom first? All I can say is, if you can’t beat these guys, maybe you should just get out of the game.

    Jamie Harrison said he was running a 50 state campaign. I know I’m being inundated with thousands of texts from all over the country asking for money. None come from Indiana. I did get a post from a friend from New Albany asking for support for Jason Applegate for State
    Representative. If you live in that district, please take note.

  11. The DEM party is too busy with money in places like the NY 16 congressional race with the AOC wing funding a “progressive” against the “regular DEMs” funding a moderate – called the “most expensive ’24 congressional race”.

    Hope IN’s candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction is not as MAGA as ours in NC!

  12. Say, Sheila, please do not speak negatively of our actually, it seems, fairly intelligent Neanderthal family members.
    And, speaking of Right-wing MAGA-Nuts, I came across something of interest last night, while reading a biography of Charles Dickens. Aside from his phenomenal writings, or as a result of the popularity thereof, he spent the last ten years of his life, not only writing, but going on tours to read his writings, both in England and, twice, in the U.S. He was met with what for the time, the 1860’s, huge crowds on both sides of the Atlantic.
    What I came across, regarding the energy and drama with which he gave to the readings, was this:
    “The connection between theatre and power , in particular between comic theatre and power, was probably not obvious until the twentieth century, when the mesmeric effects of the great dictators over mass audiences was put on display, and it was clear that such figures as Mussolini and Hitler had borrowed fro Hollywood’s box of tricks.” (Pg.238, “The Mystery of Charles Dickens,” by A.N. Wilson.) Wilson goes on the expand upon this, but the quote is enough to make the point.
    What seems relevant, to me, is that our wanna-be dictator also treats the world as a stage upon which to prance, loudly. Reportedly, in the run-up to his appearing on “The Apprentice” he was coached, understandably, about how to present oneself in a striking manner for national TV. The “mesmeric effects” of Dickens’s performances were clearly noted at the time, and I think it can be safely stated that tfg has similar effects on his fans, those we tend to say have drank of the “Cool Aide.”
    Mussolini, Hitler, Dickens and tfg, and his cadre of MAGA politicians spoke/speak to the wishes and needs of their respective audiences.
    Let me note that, in tfg’s life, the idea that there has been no such thing as negative publicity has been spoken of numerous times. Although, hopefully, that
    thread is beginning to un ravel…as he does.
    IMHO, this helps to explain the deeply emotional response of tfg’s fans, and, perhaps, the attraction of the crazy MAGA politicians in Indiana, and elsewhere.

  13. For my husband and me, this was the year of graduation parties, from both high school and college. We attended many! And with one exception, the graduates I talked to said their plan was to move out of state for employment. All of them attended (or will attend) one of our fine, in-state colleges, but then it’s off to Denver, Minneapolis, NYC, Seattle, Ithaca. One has a summer internship here; only because the posting he really wanted in another state had been filled. The thing that stood out for us about their decisions to flee is that most of their parents are republicans and always have been. Not sure how their kids vote. When talking to the parents about their child’s decision to get out of Dodge, of course they were sad about it. “He/she will be soooooo far away!” Hmmmm…they don’t seem to make the connection that the republican super majority in our state is contributing to our brain drain. And their upcoming vote for team B/B will only add to that!

    One graduate whispered to me, “I just really gotta get out of this backward state, ya know?” Yeah, I hear ya, and I know! Good luck on your next adventure. I’ll be with you in spirit!

  14. Mitch, the arrogance of the xtian ”right” never ceases to amaze! Lately, the pustule’s beginning to remind me of that old saw about how people will often accuse others of the same flaws they, themselves have. His physical/mental decline is noticeable of late, isn’t it? He’ll say/do ANYTHING to appear confident and capable, often contradicting earlier comments. Do you suppose he remembers saying/doing these bizarre things? Or is he unable to reconnect them with his past actions.

  15. Pam, my spin on this is that he can not make the connection to which you refer. I think that when he speaks he is totally focused on the moments’ need to further the spin he puts into every lie in his effort to “APPEAR confident and capable.” As with any con-man, it’s all an act.

  16. As mentioned earlier, Indiana isn’t alone in the race to the bottom. Thing is, the bottom is getting pretty crowded. Texas, Tennessee, Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas, et. al., have also descended into this pit of institutionalized, abject, religious idiocy. It’s also interesting to see the survivalist communities migrating to places like rural Idaho and Montana to escape the coming holocaust. I wonder if these yokels ever thought about what they’d inherit when the flames died and the smoke cleared.

  17. To understand just how dysfunctional deep red Indiana truly is, take a look a the photo from Indiana Capital Chronicle’s article on Beckwith’s nomination. If you scroll through the article you will come to a picture of his supporters at the convention.
    All women, mostly young and white. Go figure.
    I am afraid that I agree with the Professor’s son. If I were a young person launching after schooling, I would head out asap.
    My true fear is that the right will foment enough chaos in November to insure the House votes for President, insuring tfg gets in. I don’t think he will actually govern but act as a front for his handlers. His mental state is too unbalanced to allow him to function. His VP will likely be handpicked by the dark money oligarchs/Putin agents, just like they did with Pence. Only this time, it will be someone they own and is willing to be used.

  18. Years ago I rode IndyGo bus to work in Indianapolis with a worker who had moved to Indianapolis from Seattle. She expressed her disappointment with Indianapolis’s limited mass transit options, forcing her to buy a car in order to get around. She moved back to Seattle.

    Also on my bus was a Social Security Administration judge, who had moved from DC, where he’d commuted 100% by DC mass rail transit. He was disappointed that the only mass transit option he had in Indianapolis was IndyGo bus, where in DC he’d had an extensive rail mass transit system that transported workers from Maryland, Virginia and distant DC suburb locations.

    For 20 years it looked like Indianapolis was a natural candidate for both local rail mass transit, plus high-speed rail from Indianapolis, through Warsaw, IN to Chicago. A group of Warsaw businesses had hired a transportation consultant/lobbyist to promote high-speed rail with the Indiana General Assembly (GA). The consultant demonstrated the significant business revenue stream rail would generate for Indiana. For local rail transit, Indianapolis already had right-of-way on the abandoned Monon rail, and Fishers government built a rail station on their existing rail right-of-way to Indianapolis and even hosted a demonstration Siemens rail car, which was swamped with 120 eager future riders at the public event.

    Somehow, when the Indiana General Assembly proposed legislation for a mass transit revenue stream, it was blocked in committee at one GA session by a legislative trick called a “poison pill.” The next year the transit funding legislation passed, but with language that prohibited the revenue from being used for rail transportation – effectively killing the prospect of future rail passenger transit.

    If frustrated Hoosier parents are looking for a major reason young graduates move to other states’ metropolitan areas to start their careers, one reason is because in Indianapolis a young person is forced to buy an automobile in order to get around. That requirement does not exist in DC and other attractive work destinations where real estate on public rail routes typically sells for a premium price.

  19. Sadly, Sheila, I’m with your son. Would love to be proved wrong—as when Indiana went for Obama in 2008. But I’ve long teased my Francesville-born wife that Indiana is the only southern state in the North (competing with Mississippi on all kinds of measures for most backward and unenlightened). Sigh.

  20. Indiana’s own Cole Porter song “Don’t Fence Me In” comes to mind with today’s theme. Indiana’s state red politics seem iron clad here with a sign on state office building “Indiana Works”. Reading the writing on the wall reminds me of the signs over death/internment camps “work sets you free”. I hate to be so pessimistic about Indiana politics but have heard firsthand how bad things can actually get (WWll). I see trends by Maga movement in an authoritarian direction that defies/disregards US democracy that is frightening.
    At least young people still have the freedom to move to higher political ground and take care of themselves.

  21. Thanks for that link, JD.

    After reading it, Braun and Beckwith want to take Indiana to the “next level.” Do they want to move Indiana to 48th place in the country?

    We are firmly planted at the bottom with Mississippi/Alabama, so I am unsure how they plan to rocket Hoosierville up from the bottom feeders.

    I suspect they think, of course, without any evidence to support it, that Indiana is the creme at the top, and they will jettison Hoosiers into a new level of supremacy.

    Has anybody heard what they are using as their measuring stick?

    I’d like to know where they think Indiana stands/compares to other states and how they plan to make Hoosierville greater. It sounds like they will be digging the hole even deeper for Indiana. Watch out, Mississippi, here we come!

  22. Thanks, Sheila for another wonderful post. I agree with you and your sons. We sometimes forget that Indiana used to have 2 Democrat senators–Vance Hartke and Birch Bayh. I agree that most Hoosiers don’t agree with Project 2025–the 900-page Republican platform that should really scare people. I also agree that most Hoosiers don’t want all abortions banned, don’t want doctors prosecuted for using their judgment and skills to save lives without fear that Rokita will come after them. Most Hoosiers, and most Americans, for that matter, approve of IVF.

    Did you see the video from the Republican convention–fat-face Todd Rokita, wearing boxing gloves, grinning and punching his way onto the stage like he’s some kind of warrior for the cause of righteousness? I’m glad I had already eaten because that sight would have taken away my appetite. Does he think that most Hoosers approve of his vicious attack against Dr. Bernard because she terminated the pregnancy of the 10 year old rape victim who was impregnated at age 9 and the lies he told about her to try to get her medical license and just to harass her and cost her money?

    I refuse to believe that Hoosiers are that ignorant. I hope I’m wrong, but never before in our history do I recall a time when there were media outlets established solely for the purpose of trying to get a convicted felon elected as President and which do nothing but peddle lies and disinformation. Most left-leaning pundits say that the next few months are going to be more brutal than ever before because Russian hackers are going to get into the act and really start spreading lies and misinformation on social media, such as doctored videos of Joe Biden and endless lies against Democratic candidates for Senate and for the House.

  23. People are frightened and are tuned into (entertained by) superheroes and warriors. Hard to see Biden as a warrior…not a man for these times….SAD

  24. Thank you, Shelia. Destiny Wells is coming to our Democrat meeting tomorrow night. I am looking forward to meeting her. We will welcome anyone that wants to join us at the YMCA on North Forest Ave., Brazil, IN 47834 at 6:30 in the Community Room. We need to fill the room! Valerie McCray participated in our Loyalty Day parade on May 4th. I have both McCormick and MaCray’s signs in my landscape. Someone has already stolen my Biden Harris sign I had near the road. I have a small Biden and Harris flag displayed close to my Ring! So far it is safe. I have a large flag that I will be hanging very soon along with the remaining Biden Harris signs that I purchased four years ago. I had about 3 stolen four years ago and a letter in my mailbox that called me all kinds of names and told me to kill myself. I reported to the police and they told me to install a security system. The ring so far is working for me. It is sad to think that there a people that hate Democrats so much that they take signs from your yard! We have to get the word out. And, if possible talk to people. Our newspaper is useless. Advertising is very expensive. I ran for Treasurer two years ago and it cost me $5,000 and lots of time. I had more financial help from my friends on Facebook that don’t reside in Indiana than I received from Clay County residents. However, I received more votes in our county than any other Democrat that ran that year. I worked hard and lost a lot of sleep planning! Most years the Repubicans are unopposed except in the Primary. The majority of those registered in Clay County do not bother to vote.

  25. Shout out to Gordon. The lack of mass transit from the airport for starters. I decent train to Chicago would be great.

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