The crap being thrown at Judge Sonia Sotomayor is unbelievable. Her critics have made a big deal out of ONE sentence about Latina judges bringing a different sensibility to the bench; they are insisting it is evidence of racism. I did something unheard of–I read the whole speech from which this one sentence was yanked–and it is VERY obvious that her point was anything but.
Category Archives: Random Blogging
Um…What Part of ‘Pro-Life’ Don’t You Understand?
Dr. George Tiller was shot in Kansas–in his church. He was a doctor who performed abortions.
He had long been a target of the so-called/misnamed 'pro-life' movement.
About that "baby killer"
A diary at Daily Kos, from someone who knew Dr. Tiller intimately, deserves broad distribution.
Here is the most significant part:
And the Nominee is…….
Judge Sonia Sotomayor.
Over at Balkinization, Jack Balkin handicaps/analyzes the choice:
Since We Are On the Topic of the Supremes..
I DO love the Onion!
WASHINGTON, DC—A genie freed from a battered oil lamp by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia granted the conservative jurist a strict constructionist interpretation of his wish for "a hundred billion bucks" Monday.