Obama has issued a proclamation duly noting the National Day of Prayer "holiday," but (like Ronald Reagan, believe it or not)he did not open the White House to the usual gang of rightwing Christianists. Let the whining begin……
Category Archives: Random Blogging
Shameless Promotion Alert
This is a link to an incredibly positive review of my latest book.
(Okay–In the interests of full disclosure, I suppose I should mention that the reviewer is my son…)
So THAT’S Why I Love Obama!
People who know me know that I have been a Star Trek fan since the very first series. And that my favorite characters have been Spock and Data–coolly logical beings who respected science and evidence and were leery of beliefs and/or conclusions based upon emotion rather than reason.
Mike Pence
is an ongoing embarrassment to our state. (And given our state legislators, that's a real achievement.)
A Real Puzzler
The legislature in Maine has passed a bill that–when signed by the governor, as expected–will legalize same-sex marriages in that state.
This is a real problem: what will the rightwingers do without “activist judges” to blame? First Iowa, of all places, and now Maine!
Somehow, “activist legislatures” doesn’t have the same ring to it…