Those of us who teach public administration and policy proceed on the (generally unarticulated) assumption that policy debates are “evidence-based”–that is, that parties to a policy discussion begin with a general agreement about the nature and subject of the argument–should we pass this bill, which will do X or Y? Should we contract out this function to a for-profit or non-profit entity?
Deja Vu? Or Better Luck This Time?
Is it “déjà vu all over again” in the health care debate?
Needs no Commentary
Barbarian at the Gates Gate…..
Another Embarrassing Congress-critter from Indiana
I always knew that Congressman Buyer wasn't exactly–how shall I put this?–the sharpest knife in the drawer. A few weeks ago, you may recall that he made a speech on the dangers of smoking lettuce. (Yes, I mean't lettuce.) But now, he's really outdone himself.
Why do voters in Indiana keep electing these clowns?