The municipal election on November 2d–a mere month from now–presents a real opportunity for Indianapolis’ gay community…
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Playing Identity Politics
A recent full-page newspaper advertisement by the Indiana Family Institute attacked the notion that a homosexual orientation could be considered "morally neutral," and urged adoption of a tax-supported sex education curriculum that would identify…
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An Honest Look at the Ten Commandments Issue
If I believed passionately that everyone would be better off for reading the Ten Commandments, what would I do?…
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Defining “Big” Government
It is fashionable these days for candidates of every party and persuasion to laud smaller government, but smaller is not necessarily less bossy. The issue is less the size and cost of government — important as that is — but how intrusive it shall be
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A Right to Die
We Americans have a habit of asking the wrong questions. Right now, the wrong question is whether the Constitution gives us a "right to die" and if so,, whether we are entitled to have our doctors’ assistance.
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