Money talks–and politicians listen. (Even the President of the United States, who is evidently running a very expensive hotel.) Campaign costs have gone from astronomical to utterly ridiculous; in 1996, some Senate candidates spent over ten million…
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Abusing Power
David Boaz is Vice-President of the Cato Institute. He has just written a book: Libertarianism, A Primer; in it, he makes a scholarly and persuasive case for a market-driven, consensual society in which government plays a very limited, albeit…
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Does Size Matter?
Back in the sixties, when my generation was discovering sex (and there was lots of media attention being paid to the "sexual revolution") I recall a spate of books and articles assuring men who were concerned about their "endownments" that size was…
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Defining “Big” Government
It is fashionable these days for candidates of every party and persuasion to laud smaller government, but smaller is not necessarily less bossy. The issue is less the size and cost of government — important as that is — but how intrusive it shall be
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A Right to Die
We Americans have a habit of asking the wrong questions. Right now, the wrong question is whether the Constitution gives us a "right to die" and if so,, whether we are entitled to have our doctors’ assistance.
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