I have previously noted my skepticism of so-called “privatization” of public assets. (I say “so called” because we Americans use the term inaccurately, to mean “contracting out” for goods and services; genuine privatization would involve selling those assets off and letting them succeed or fail in the market.)
Note that the term I use is skepticism, not opposition. There are obviously times and tasks where contracting makes sense. My concern is that government isn’t a very good judge of when and what those are.
A recent post at the Urbanophile illustrates my point (albeit inadvertently). Aaron Renn was an enthusiastic supporter of the Toll Road lease, and an equally ardent opponent of the ill-considered Chicago and Indianapolis parking meter deals. In this post, he uses a considerable amount of data to make a perfectly reasonable point: the devil is in the contracting details. There are good deals and not such good deals.
My skepticism–and that of other critics of “privatization as panacea”–comes from the recognition that contracts with units of government are qualitatively different from contracts between private actors, and those differences make it far more likely that the contracts ultimately negotiated will be unfavorable to taxpayers.
Mayors and Governors who are considering privatization are operating under a different set of incentives than the corporate CEO who is charged with long-term profitability of his business. As the saying goes, long term to a politician means “until the next election.” Typically, the elected official is looking for immediate cash to relieve fiscal stress (and improve his immediate political prospects) and is much less concerned with the extended consequences of the transaction.
Furthermore–although it really pains me as a former Corporation Counsel to admit this–the lawyers who review these deals for government tend to be far less sophisticated than lawyers acting on behalf of the contractors. That’s not, I hasten to say, because they aren’t good lawyers–many are. But the skills required to advise a municipality or state government aren’t generally the same skills as those whose emphasis is business transaction law.
In addition to the existence of unequal bargaining capacities, there is also—unfortunately—the potential for “crony capitalism,” the temptation to reward a campaign donor or political patron with a lucrative contract at taxpayer expense. (Can we spell Halliburton?)
Ideally, the media will act as a watchdog in these negotiations, alerting the public when a proposed contract is lopsided or otherwise unfavorable. But media has never been very good at providing this sort of scrutiny, because news organizations rarely employ business reporters able to analyze complex transactions. (In today’s media environment, of course, we’re lucky if we even know a deal is in the works.)
So-too often, government contracting pits an officeholder who is focused on short-term gratification and represented by a lawyer unfamiliar with the arcana of business contracting against a savvy contractor looking to lock in long-term advantage who is represented by an experienced lawyer-negotiator. We shouldn’t be surprised when the resulting transaction is unfavorable to the taxpayer.
Is this lack of parity reason to eliminate government contracting? Of course not. But it is definitely reason to be cautious , and read the fine print, especially when an elected official is trumpeting the great deal s/he just made.
What’s that old saying? If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.